Medium-volatile coals (SS (TS)/CC (TC) are mainly used at electric power plants and cement factories; SS (СС)-grade coal is also supplied as PCI for iron and steel plants.
Medium-volatile coal
Medium-volatile coals (SS (TS)/CC (TC) are mainly used at electric power plants and cement factories; SS (СС)-grade coal is also supplied as PCI for iron and steel plants. The sorted form of SS-grade coal of 13-50mm or 50-200mm fraction grade SS is used for municipal and domestic purposes.
With a view that the main production volume of SS-grade coal is intended for export, the price for this grade in the domestic market is one of the highest when compared with prices for other Kuzbass power-generating coals.
Distinguishing characteristics of SS-grade coal are as follows: volatile matter content within 17-28 %, high calorific value ranging from 6300 to до 7300kkal/kg and low sulfur content — as little as 0.5% (for the Kuzbass coals).