The low-volatile coal of grade T (Lean) is mainly used at electric power stations and cement factories.
Low-volatile coal
The low-volatile coal of grade T (Lean) is mainly used at electric power stations and cement factories. T-grade coal is also exported as PCI for iron and steel plants. The sorted form of T-grade coal of 13—50mm or 50—300mm fraction (smokeless fuel) is used for municipal and domestic purposes in small boiler houses equipped with furnaces having fixed railings and fuel hand-feed.
Distinguishing characteristics of T-grade coal are as follows: low volatile matter content within 8-14%, high calorific value in the range from 6000 to 6800 kkal/kg and low sulfur content — as little as 0.5% (for the Kuzbass coals).
Main users of T-grade coal in the Russian Federation:
ОАО Mosenergo (Moscow Region Generating Company)
ОАО OGK-1 (First Generating Company of Wholesale Electricity Market)
ОАО OGK-3 (Third Generating Company of Wholesale Electricity Market)
KES Holding (Integrated Power Generation Systems)
ОАО RUSAL Achinsk Alumina Refinery
Cement factories of ОАО “Sibtsement”
Specifications. Technical analysis
Moisure content | Volatile - matter content | Sulfur content | Net calorific value | Free swell index FSI | HGI |
7.5% (as received basis) | 14.5% (dry ash-free state) | 0.38% (dry base) | 6250 kcal/kg | 1 | 72 |
Chemical composition of ash
Silicon oxide SiO2 | Aluminium oxide Al2O3 | Titanium oxide TiO2 | Ferric oxide Fe2O3 | Calcium oxide CaO |
58.2% | 25.9 | 1.12% | 6.9% | 1.8% |
Sodium oxide Na2O | Manganese oxide MnO | Potassium oxide K2O | Phosphorus oxide P2O5 | Sulfur oxide SO3 |
0.7% | 0.09% | 2.3% | 0.2% | 2.2% |